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Clients and buisness associates who already worked with us on previous projects

We are located all over the world and have worked together with a lot of different companies already


“Jesse was better than me in school thats why he is able to build a super structre in the desert”

Steve Jobs, a classamte of Jesse

“They are so good we tried to copy them but Jesse sued us and he won and got a lot of money that he spend on Giraffe I want one too”

Random asian
Daytripper is CO CEO now because he has good ideas like me - 2016
fentfag is now our Chef executive fag Janitor because he contributed to this project

We are the sneaky Indians trying to gain access to your computer thru some Remote desktop tool

We are the same as the Virus Indians but with an IRS story to get your CC number


We just need a bank account to transfer some money you even get a bit of it.
No we are not a scam and we are doing nothing illegal so do not worry.

If he makes the right decision  our company could merge together with Donald Trump we already contacted him and odds are looking good

I had that idea before but thought it was not possible but thanks to my soon to be buissness partner it could become reality - 2016

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